One of my friends has a theory, that there are no creative thoughts left in the minds of Americans and they are just taking old ideas and remaking them. I was a little hesitant to totally agree with him. Yes, there have been remakes and films based on comic books/video games galore coming out recently, Transformers, X-men, Batman, GI Joe, Garfield just to name a few. But I always was able to reference new movies/books/Albums that are new and not thought of before. The Hurt Locker, Avatar, you know things like that.
But then I read this today and it absolutely blew my mind. They are making a movie about Missile Command. Yes, that Missile Command, you know the one where you have control of three battle stations and have to move a target to shoot stuff out of the sky that is coming towards you. In case you dont know what I am talking about, see the picture below.

Are they kidding? This is almost as bad as making Tic Tac Toe the movie. There are no characters, no plot or anything in this video game. It is simply, see thing coming at you, point and shoot a missile from your base. That is it. New lows have now been reached America. This is almost as bad as rappers using Anchorman quotes to make songs or R&B singers crooning about being the Flintstones. Oh wait, both of those have already happened. What the hell America, what the hell.
Things I am amped about:
On a brighter note, one of my favorite times of year is coming up, golf season (also known as spring/summer). Outside amongst nature, hitting a stupid white ball around, with the boys, drinking beers. It all brings a smile to my face. I have around a 9 handicap right now, which isn't too bad, but I want to be down around a 6 or 7 by the end of summer. Also a good way to work out with it seeming like it. Walking 18 holes is the equivalent of like 4 miles or something like that and that is a good workout no matter how you see it.
So here is my blog pledge of goals to everyone, which I will keep you posted on.
1. Get down to a 7 handicap by the end of summer, a bit of a stretch, but I think I can do it.
2. Walk 18 holes rather than ride 2 out of every 3 rounds. This kind of sucks depending on who you are golfing with and how hot it is etc. But I think it will be good for me, plus I seem to golf better when I walk for some reason.
3. Enjoy summer to the max, I want to do the following things at least once this summer. Beach drinking, Volleyball outside, play bean bags, picnic get together with a bunch of people, attempt to fish, cabin weekend with a group of friends, LMD2010, play softball, 3on3 basketball tourny. I love summer